Detective Abiel Abe Barron Honored

April 25, 2007

Highway Memorial Sign Dedication for Fallen Detective Abe Barron

Thursday, April 26, 2007
10:30 AM

Northeast Community Police Station
3353 San Fernando Rd.
Los Angeles, CA 90065

Deputy Chief Cayler Carter
Councilmember Tom LaBonge
Captain Jose Perez, Commanding Officer, Northeast Area

Councilmember LaBonge and Chief Carter will lead a ceremony to honor LAPD Detective Abiel Barron, who was killed in the line of duty on June 25, 2003 while conducting an investigation in the Palmdale/Lancaster area. He was traveling on state Highway Route 138 near its junction with State Highway Route 15 at Mormon Rocks when a driver attempting to pass slower moving vehicles collided head-on with Detetive Barron’s police vehicle.

Barron served with the LAPD for 19 years. Prior to that, he had worked for a financial institution in San Francisco. He is survived by his wife, daughter, mother, two brothers and sister.