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City Directory
Opens https://lacity.gov/directory in a new window.What can I do about my noisy neighbors?
A noisy neighbor may create a disturbance by having a loud television, stereo, or radio. These types of complaints are best handled by a resident’s local police station because the loud noise is intermittent, occasional, or spontaneous. A loud party is also best resolved by the officers assigned to the area by calling the non-emergency (877) ASK-LAPD (275-5273).
What is the law regarding loud vehicle alarms?
The law regarding loud vehicle theft alarm systems is contained in the California Vehicle Code, Section 22651.5 and in the Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 114.06. Section 22651.5 in part states that a police officer may, upon complaint, remove a vehicle if the vehicle theft alarm system has been activated for 20 minutes upon the officer’s arrival, and the alarm has not silenced within that time. Section 114.06 states in part that it shall be unlawful for any person to install, operate, or use any vehicle theft alarm system that emits or causes the emission of an audible sound, which is not, or does not become automatically and completely silenced within five minutes. The local patrol division would be the ones to handle this type of request for service.
What are the regulations regarding construction-related noise?
The regulations regarding construction-related noise prohibit a person, between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of the following day, from performing any construction or repair work of any kind. However, there are exceptions to this ordinance contained in three different subsections. For clarification, contact the Noise Enforcement Team at 213-996-1250
The Noise Enforcement Team (NET) investigates complaints of early trash pick-ups, early deliveries, early construction and music emitting from night clubs. You can contact the Noise Enforcement Team at 213-996-1250.
What can I do about barking dogs in my neighborhood?
Although pets can provide much companionship and love, they can also become a nuisance to an entire neighborhood if not cared for properly. All barking dog or other nuisance complaints are handled by the City’s Animal Care and Control Department. Barking dog complaints must be submitted in writing to your local Animal Care and Control Center with the name, address, and telephone number of the complaining party, a description of the nuisance, as well as name and address of the dog owner. For further information, please contact your local Animal Care and Control Center listed below:
Main Office
221 N. Figueroa Street, Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90012
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
Shelter Hours:
Mondays & Holidays: Closed to the public except for emergency intake
Tuesday – Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sundays: 11 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
24-hour emergency services available
North Central Animal Care and Control Center
3201 Lacy Street
Los Angeles, CA 90031
888-4LAPET1 (888-452-7381)
South Los Angeles/Chesterfield Square Animal Care and Control
1850 W. 60th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90047
888-4LAPET1 (888-452-7381)
Harbor Animal Care and Control Center
957 N. Gaffey Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
888-4LAPET1 (888-452-7381)
West Los Angeles Animal Care and Control Center
11361 W. Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90064
888-4LAPET1 (888-452-7381)
East Valley Animal Care and Control Center
14409 Vanowen Street
Van Nuys, CA 91405
888-4LAPET1 (888-452-7381)
West Valley Animal Care and Control Center
20655 Plummer Street
Chatsworth, CA 91311
888-4LAPET1 (888-452-7381)
How can I report animals running loose in my neighborhood?
Complaints about stray, lost, or abandoned dogs, cats or any other animal should be addressed to your nearest Animal Care and Control center.
North Central Animal Care and Control Center
3201 Lacy Street
Los Angeles, CA 90031
888-4LAPET1 (888-452-7381)
South Los Angeles/Chesterfield Square Animal Care and Control
1850 W. 60th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90047
888-4LAPET1 (888-452-7381)
Harbor Animal Care and Control Center
957 N. Gaffey Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
888-4LAPET1 (888-452-7381)
West Los Angeles Animal Care and Control Center
11361 W. Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90064
888-4LAPET1 (888-452-7381)
East Valley Animal Care and Control Center
14409 Vanowen Street
Van Nuys, CA 91405
888-4LAPET1 (888-452-7381)
West Valley Animal Care and Control Center
20655 Plummer Street
Chatsworth, CA 91311
888-4LAPET1 (888-452-7381)
What laws and regulations exist to protect the public from excessive and annoying noise?
The laws and regulations that exist to protect the public from excessive and annoying noise are numerous. Two of the most common noise complaints are rubbish collection within 200 feet of any residential building between 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., and, vehicle loading or unloading between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of the following day, which causes impulsive sound, raucous or unnecessary noise within 200 feet of any residential building. These types of noise complaints are best handled by notifying the Noise Enforcement Team.
The enforcement of noise ordinances depends on different variables existing at the time of the officer’s investigation. Sometimes officers warn the suspected violator, and that resolves the noise complaint. However, the officer may need to cite the violator, or submit an application of complaint to the City Attorney’s Office to resolve the noise complaint in an expedient and fair manner. Be advised, loud music calls are not high priority…so if an emergency call comes out, the officers will handle the emergency call first.
How can I report narcotics activity in my neighborhood?
There are several ways to report narcotics activity in your neighborhood. The Field Enforcement Section (FES) of the Narcotics Division (ND) is the entity that handles citizen complaints concerning narcotics activity at the street level. The ND FES is divided into four units which cover the City of Los Angeles: the ND FES Valley Bureau Unit, Central Bureau Unit, West Bureau Unit, and the South Bureau Unit. Each unit is further divided into squads which are assigned to each of the City’s 19 geographic Areas. Narcotics activity may be reported by contacting the appropriate Bureau Unit within which a citizen resides. The following numbers may be used to report narcotics activity:
The FES Valley Bureau Unit (encompasses the San Fernando Valley): 818-756-8361.
The FES Central Bureau Unit (includes downtown Los Angeles and surrounding areas): 213-485-2126.
The FES West Bureau Unit (encompasses the west side of Los Angeles): 213-485-4318.
The FES South Bureau Unit (encompasses the south side of Los Angeles): 213-483-4804.
Additionally, the City provides a “Mayor’s Hotline” to report narcotics activity, 1-800-662-BUST. Each City Council District also has field offices that are staffed with field deputies. The field offices are equipped to receive complaints of narcotics activity in neighborhoods. These complaints are channeled to ND where they are assigned to the appropriate FES squad for enforcement action. You can also access the web site of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Click here for more information about narcotics.
How can I report prostitution activity in my neighborhood?
Prostitution activity can be reported to the Los Angeles Police Department in writing or by personally telephoning or visiting a police facility. Click here to access the LAPD telephone directory.