LAPD Meets Asian Communities

November 9, 2007

Asian Pacific Islander Forum

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
6 PM to 8 PM

Empress Pavilion Restaurant
988 North Hill Street, #201
Los Angeles, 90012

William J. Bratton, Los Angeles Police Chief
Frank Quiambao, Governor’s Office of Homeland Security
Arif Alikhan, LA Deputy Mayor of Homeland Security
Anthony Pacheco, LA Police Commission President
Alan Skobin, LA Police Commissioner
Commander Terry Hara, Highest Ranking Asian Officer
Captain Blake Chow, Asian forum Coordinator
David Iwata, Asian community Co-Chairman
Chief Bratton and the Los Angeles Police Department Command Staff are cordially inviting members of the Asian communities for an evening of dialogue. Topics to be discussed include policing strategies for the next five years and the new Mid-City Police Station in Koreatown.

The registration begins at 5:30 PM, followed by the community forum at 6 PM.

For more information contact Officers Danny Chow or Cameron Kim, Community Relations Section, at 213-485-4101.