Rewards Offered to Those Who Help Identify and Convict Two Murder Suspects

April 23, 2008

News Conference

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
3:00 p.m.

Wilshire Area Community Police Station
(1st Floor Community Room)
4861 Venice Boulevard
Los Angeles, Ca 90019

Councilman Herb Wesson, 10th Council District
Captain Eric Davis, Commanding Officer, Wilshire Area Community Police Station
Captain Evangelyn Nathan, Commanding Officer, Wilshire Area Patrol
Investigating Detectives
Family Members of the Victim
Jaime Marquez, St. Moritz Security Services, Inc.

Photographs of the Victim

During the news conference, Councilman Herb Wesson will announce a $50,000 reward for the identification, arrest and conviction of two murder suspects wanted for shooting two men in front of an Auto Zone Store on April 18, 2008.

In addition, St. Moritz Security Services, Inc., one of the victims’ employers, will offer a $5,000 reward for the conviction of the suspects.