News Conference
Friday, July 2, 2010
11 a.m.
77th Division Community Room
7600 S. Broadway
Los Angeles, Ca 90003
FBI Special Agent in Charge-Criminal Branch, Bill Lewis
FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge-Criminal Branch, Robert Clark
LAPD Assistant Chief Earl Paysinger, Director Office of Operations
LAPD Deputy Chief Patrick Gannon, Commanding Officer Operations South Bureau
LAPD Commander Robert Green, Assistant Commanding Officer OSB
LAPD Captain II P. Snell, 77th Criminal Gang and Homicide Division
LAPD Lieutenant II Thomas McMullen, 77th Criminal Gang and Homicide Division
LAPD Detective III Sal LaBarbera, 77th Criminal Gang and Homicide Division
LAPD Detective III Cheryl Tillery, 77th Criminal Gang and Homicide Division
Lawanda Hawkins, Justice for Murdered Children
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the LAPD Commanding Officer of Operations-South Bureau met with the Commanding Officer Criminal Gang and Homicide Division, and agreed to form a federally funded homicide taskforce within Operations-South Bureau.
For additional information contact LAPD Media Relations at 213486-5910 or Laura Eimiller, FBI Press Relations at 310-996-3343.