News conference to discuss and display results of the city’s Gun Buyback Program. Visuals will include displays of actual firearms turned in at the collection sites.
Monday, June 2, 2014
10 a.m.
Police Administration Building
100 W. First Street, Compstat Room
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Compstat Room
Mayor Eric Garcetii
LAPD Chief Charlie Beck
LAPD Gun Unit Detectives
To display firearms surrendered at the day-long buyback event that took place throughout the City on May 31. City leaders and LAPD gun experts will be available to answer questions about the event and guns collected.
The Gun Buyback Program is part of Mayor Garcetti’s Gang Reduction and Youth Development Office. The goal is to reward voluntary surrender of firearms while engaging the community to help reduce gun violence. Four neutral collection locations were established in West Los Angeles, Central Los Angeles, South Los Angeles and Van Nuys, where individuals were able to surrender their firearms—no questions asked.
For further information, please contact the Mayor’s Communication office at 213-978-0741 or LAPD Media Relations at 213-486-5910.