LAPD Cadet Graduation Record number of LAPD Cadets Graduating – Class Numbers 650 Strong NA14122bb

June 27, 2014

LAPD Cadet Graduation

Saturday, June 28, 2014
1:00 p.m.

USC Galen Center
3400 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA

Chief Charlie Beck
Assistant Chief Earl C. Paysinger, Director, Office of Operations
Dr. C. L. Max Nikias, President, University of Southern California
650 Cadet Graduates and thousands of family members and friends

Over 650 new Cadets (ages 13-20) will join the ranks of the nearly 5,000 Cadets Citywide. Also featured at this graduation will be over 300 Cadet Parents who are also graduating from the Cadet Parent Academy.  This will be an extraordinary event as this will be the largest Cadet and Parent class in the half-century history of this youth outreach campaign – numbering 1,000 graduates.  The Cadet Program places strong emphasis on leadership, character building, discipline, academic excellence and life-skills.  During the eighteen-week Academy term, Cadets receive instruction in an array of study domains that include:

–    Leadership Training
–    Law Enforcement Principles
–    Conflict Resolution
–    Physical Fitness
–    Life – Skills Education
–    Cultural Diversity
–    Financial Literacy
–    Gang and Narcotics Prevention

Since the transition from Explorer program to the more academic and leadership-based LAPD Cadet Leadership Program, participation has grown dramatically from 457 members to over 5,000 active youth participants today – all under the age of 20.

The LAPD Cadet Leadership Program is a dynamic youth-based enterprise and is the Department’s “signature” program for community youth.  The Cadet Program has a rich heritage of reaching students from all walks of life, guiding them towards academic excellence, leadership and enhancing their ability to live productive lives.

The LAPD is also pleased to announce the awarding of thousands of dollars in academic scholarships at this commencement to college-bound seniors for this coming fall semester that will help catapult them down the path toward success.

The grants are made possible through a substantial contribution by the Ray Charles Foundation as well as a $10,000 grant that will be awarded in the memory of LAPD Valley Motor Officer Chris Cortijo who made the ultimate sacrifice earlier this year.

For more information about this special event, you may contact the LAPD Youth Programs Coordinator Senior Management Analyst Natalie Torres at 213-486-0100, by visiting our website or by following us on Twitter @LAPD_Cadets.