WHAT: The LAPD Major Crimes Division and Los Angeles School Police Department (LASPD) will provide details of a social media threat investigation at Van Nuys High School that occurred Monday, October 16, 2017. They will also roll-out a related educational campaign, “End It. Don’t Send It.”, to address social media threats.
WHEN: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:30 p.m.
WHERE: LAPD Police Headquarters Media Relations Division Room # 257-B 100 W. 1st Street Los Angeles, CA 90012
WHO: LAPD Commander Pete Zarcone, Assistant Commanding Officer, Counter-Terrorism & Special Operations Bureau. LAPD Captain Robert Long, Commanding Officer, Major Crimes Division. LASPD Police Chief Steven Zipperman.
WHY: Social media threats by students towards their schools and classmates are a persistent problem for law enforcement, often the result of an ill-conceived prank with no violent intentions. This recent incident at Van Nuys High School highlights the negative consequences of such actions.
LAPD,in partnership with LASPD, created “End It. Don’t Send It.” an educational campaign that looks to address the problem by educating students, parents and faculty of these consequences in hopes of reducing the frequency of such threats.
CONTACT: For additional information contact, LAPD Media Relations, at (213) 486-5910.