Missing Persons

Maxine Haro or Regali

If you have information that can help locate this individual, please call:
(213)-996-1800 OR 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) toll free, 24-hours a day at R.A.C.R. Division.

  • Missing: 12/13/2007
  • Age: 79*
  • Sex: F
  • Descent: White
  • Height: 5'5
  • Weight: 120
  • Hair: Grey
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Missing From: Los Angeles
  • Report #: 07-0823609
*Age Calculated From Time of Missing


MP Haro has been missing since 12/13/07 and has not been in contact with her family. MP Haro is on a daily contact with her family. Family members believe the MP Haro may have possibly gone to Meza AZ.