LAPD Olympic Station’s 11th Annual Operation Shoes from Santa Event
Wednesday December 7, 2022
5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
LAPD Olympic Community Police Station
1130 Vermont Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90006
Officers and volunteers will be setting up all day Weds. Kids will begin lining up at 5pm, Santa arrives in style at 6pm.
For the 11th year in a row the LAPD Olympic division is hosting their annual “Shoes from Santa Event”. Officers have been working around the clock collecting shoes and toys for underprivileged kids in the community.
Converse has donated around 2,000 pairs of sneakers. This year local schools identified 1,500 needy kids to participate in the event. Santa will arrive in style with a police escort at 6pm and will hand out a toy and a pair of shoes to each preselected child.
LAPD’s Olympic station will be transformed into a winter wonderland with snow outside, DJ, and more! They are still accepting toy donations 24/7 at the station’s front lobby.
The LAPD senior lead officers who organize the event see this as a way to give back and say there is nothing like watching the excitement of a kid receiving what is sometimes their first ever new pair of shoes.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact LAPD Senior Lead Officer Eric Mollinedo 213-793-0785.