"Three Suspects Arrested for Home Invasion Robbery and Assault"
Los Angeles: Los Angeles Police Department Robbery-Homicide Division Detectives are currently investigating a home invasion robbery that occurred on October 3, 2001 in the Rampart Area of Los Angeles. During the robbery, two Hispanic females were sexually assaulted at gunpoint and one male victim was beaten and robbed by the three suspects listed below. Fearing retaliation, the victims did not report this crime to the police until October 10, 2001.
On October 10, 2001, the male victim saw two of the suspects in a local hardware store and followed the suspects as they entered a silver 1984 Audi 5000S 4-door. The male victim followed the suspects and telephoned the police via his cellular phone, which resulted in the arrest of the two suspects. Subsequent investigation resulted in the arrest of the third suspect and the recovery of cellular phones, watches and jewelry.
The suspects are from Central America and are as follows:
Dennis Alberto Chacon AKA Dennis Villanueva, 25 years of age
Jose Antonio Benitez AKA Alex Rodriguez, 24 years of age
Daniel Omar Bonilla AKA Daniel Carbajal, 29 years of age
Detectives believe the suspects have targeted Hispanic female victims that place advertisements in local newspapers indicating they perform full body massages. Detectives are seeking anyone who may have been a victim to please come forward.
Seven felony charges were filed on each suspect with a bail set at $1,000,000.00.
Robbery-Homicide Division Detective Moses Castillo is the investigating officer on this case. Anyone with further information is urged to call 213-763-5056 or The Department Command Post, 213-485-2504 after hours.
This press release was prepared by Officer La Donna Cissell, Media Relations Section, 213-485-3586.