Press Conference Regarding Curtailing the Accessibility of Alcoholic Beverages to Minors

July 3, 2001

"Press Conference Regarding Curtailing the Accessibility of Alcoholic Beverages to Minors"
Press Conference
Los Angeles Police Department Chief of Police Bernard C. Parks, Mr. Ellis Cha, President of the Korean American Grocers Association of California
Korean American Grocers Association of California Headquarters
3727 West Sixth Street, Suite 410
Los Angeles
Thursday, July 5, 2001
1:00 P.M.
The Los Angeles Police Department and the Korean American Grocers Association of California join forces to curtail the accessibility of alcoholic beverages to minors
Los Angeles: On Thursday, July 5, 2001, at 1:00 P.M., the Los Angeles Police Department, and the Korean American Grocers Association of California will be holding a press conference to announce efforts to combat the illegal sales of alcohol to minors.
Mr. Ellis Cha, President of the Korean American Grocers Association of California (KAGRO), has announced his organization’s support of the Department’s efforts to curb the illegal sales of alcohol to minors. Efforts by the LAPD include the use of "Decoy Shoulder-Tap" operations. The operations are designed to inhibit the availability of alcoholic beverages from two primary sources: licensed locations, and the parking lot of these locations.
This media advisory will serve to alert those individuals, likely to furnish alcoholic beverages to under-aged individuals, the Department will be conducting undercover operations and will cite those individuals who knowingly put alcohol in the hands of a minor. The Los Angeles Police Department is very honored to have the support of Mr. Cha and the Korean American Grocers Association of California.
On June 29, 2001, the Los Angeles Police Department was the recipient of the annual $100,000 ABC Grant, for an unprecedented fourth year in a row. The ABC Grant pays for decoy shoulder tap operations and many other award winning programs.
For further information regarding this release, please contact Media Relations Section, at 213-485-3586. This press release was prepared by Officer Hayley Purece, Media Relations Section.