"Dedication for Rampart Community Police Station Jail Conversion"
Dedication Ceremony For The Rampart Community Police Station Jail Conversion
2710 West Temple Street, Los Angeles
April 11, 2001 At 8:30 AM
Los Angeles Police Chief Bernard C. Parks and City Officials
Los Angeles – The Rampart Community Police Station has converted its jail facility into office space, and will be holding a Dedication Ceremony on April 11, 2001 at 8:30 AM. The Special Enforcement Unit, Narcotics Field Enforcement Section, Rampart Area Supervisors, and Senior Lead Officers will use the new office. A tour of the Rampart Station will be given and there will be an opportunity to meet the Area’s Senior Lead Officers and the Special Enforcement Unit. The Los Angeles Police Department’s Chief of Police, Bernard C. Parks will also be at the Dedication.
Rampart Community Police Station welcomes the public to attend the Dedication Ceremony, and tour of the station. For information regarding this press release, please contact Media Relations Section at 213-485-3586.
This press release was prepared by Officer Hayley Purece, Media Relations Section.