Los Angeles – Proposition F, passed by the voters in 1992, provided for the Los Angeles City Mayor to play a pivotal role in the selection process of the Chief of Police and other City General Managers. Over the past several months, the issue surrounding the selection and/or reappointment of Los Angeles’ Chief of Police has served as a topic of discussion for several political candidates.
On March 8, 2001, Mr. Joe Shea, who has previously feuded with the Chief over deployment of Senior Lead Officers and other issues, issued a challenge to others to leave the issue of the Chief’s reappointment out of political debates and instead, focus on what each will do for the people of the Los Angeles community. Mr. Shea stated, "Suddenly there is an incentive to undermine the chief, to make him look ineffective and damage the credibility and vitality of his office. That’s why politics and police don’t mix, and why the so-called "leading" candidates ought to leave specific personnel issues out of their press releases and concentrate on telling us what they will do for the City they have almost brought to ruin."
The Department commends Mr. Shea for his commitment to leadership on such a critical issue; an issue that is tantamount to the independence and efficacy of the Office of the Chief of Police. The Department urges all other candidates to follow the lead of Mr. Shea and address this matter at the appropriate time, in the appropriate forum. To do otherwise is not in the best interest of the Department and the people of the Los Angeles community.
To read the complete Press Release prepared by Joe Shea click here.
This press release was prepared by Lieutenant Horace Frank, Officer in Charge, Media Relations Section.