July is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

July 5, 2000

An alarming number of incidents go unreported. The cycle of violence in which the victims live is often inescapable. The issue at hand is Domestic Violence. Many Domestic Violence victims decline to report the incidents because they fear the abuser and lack knowledge of community resources available to help them survive. The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) realizes that with information and education we can attempt to provide hope and help to victims that desperately need assistance. The following information is designed to assist persons in recognizing what maybe a possible Domestic Violence situation.


Violence includes, but is not limited to the following circumstances:

Physical – hitting or burning;
Sexual – rape or incest;
Emotional – threatening, insulting or harassing and;
Neglect – poor physical or emotional care.

Facts About Domestic Violence

Anyone, male or female can be a victim of Domestic Violence.
Domestic Violence happens in all walks of life.
Many victims and abusers grew up in abusive homes.

Domestic Violence Prevention Tips

Watch for personality changes.
Develop a plan of action and instruct your children about this plan.
Locate a safe house or shelter that is suitable for your needs.
Seek counseling assistance.

Commander David J. Kalish, Department spokesperson, stated with regard to Domestic Violence, "Take a stand. It is every individuals duty to assist victims of Domestic Violence. Reach out to someone in the community if you believe they are a victim of this type of incident. There is no excuse for Domestic Violence."

There are many more facts and resources outlined in the LAPD’s "Domestic Violence Awareness Circular." For more information, or to obtain copies of Crime Prevention Circulars, contact the Community Liaison/Crime Prevention Unit at 213-485-3134, or visit our Web Site’s Crime Prevention Tip of the Month Section.