Captain Celina Robles began her career with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) on May 1, 2006. Captain Robles worked a variety of patrol divisions as a police officer, which included 77th Street Division, Hollenbeck Division, Special Operations Division, Gang and Narcotics Division, West Los Angeles Division, and Pacific Division. Her assignments included specialized assignments in Gang Detectives, Narcotics Enforcement Detail, and Gang Enforcement Detail, where she gained her court expertise in narcotics and gangs. In 2015, she was promoted to the rank of Detective at Olympic Division, where she worked Crimes Against Persons and Major Assault Crimes, and later handled homicide cases under Operations – West Bureau Homicide.
In 2016, Robles was promoted to the rank of Sergeant at Southeast Division where she worked as a field supervisor. Following her year at Southeast Patrol, she transferred to Pacific Division where she was often tasked with the duties of acting Watch Commander. As a Sergeant II, she was assigned to Operations – Central Bureau and the Office of Operations, where she was assigned as the Commander’s Aide to the Department Homeless Coordinator and assisted with the implementation of the Unified Homeless Response Center for citywide services. In 2020, Robles was assigned as the Planning Chief and coordinated the LAPD’s public safety response during the civil unrest.
In 2021, Robles was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and assigned to Newton Area as the watch commander. As a Lieutenant II, she served as the adjutant to the Assistant Chief for the Office of Special Operations, which is comprised of Counter – Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau, Detective Bureau, and Transit Services Bureau.
Robles was promoted to the rank of Captain in 2023 and appointed as the Hollenbeck Division Patrol Commanding Officer. In October 2024, Captain Robles was assigned to Pacific Division. Her priorities are officer safety and wellness and to provide the highest level of quality service to the community, while continuing to strengthen public trust through service and constitutional policing.
Captain Robles attended the University of California, Davis and graduated in 2003 with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with an emphasis in law, and obtained her Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice in 2009 from the California State University of Long Beach. She is also a graduate of the LAPD Leadership, POST Management courses, and completed the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) training for emergency response. Captain Robles also completed the Public Safety Leadership Program from the University of Southern California.
Captain Robles is the President of the Latin American Law Enforcement Association, where she advocates for professional development, employee wellness, and community engagement. She is also a member of the Los Angeles Women Peace Officers and Associates, the Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association, and the Law Enforcement Association of Asian Pacifics. She is also the team captain for the LAPD women’s basketball team and currently an active member of the LAPD patrol rifle cadre.
Captain Robles resides in Los Angeles county and enjoys sports, running, and spending time with her family.