On May 29, 2014, the Criminalistics Laboratory of Scientific Investigation Division (SID) achieved accreditation from the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board-International Program (ASCLD/LAB-ISO). The Criminalistics Laboratory has been accredited through the ASCLD/LAB Legacy Program since December 7, 1998, when it first received formal accreditation. Accreditation was accomplished because of the dedication and commitment of the staff of the Criminalistics Laboratory, supported by personnel throughout the Division and Department.
The Crime Laboratory Accreditation Program of ASCLD/LAB-ISO is a voluntary program in which any crime laboratory may participate to demonstrate that its management, operations, personnel, procedures, equipment, physical plant, security, and personnel safety procedures meet established standards. Accreditation is just one component of the laboratory’s quality assurance program that also includes proficiency testing, continuing education, and other programs to help the laboratory provide better overall service to the criminal justice system. Accreditation is a means to demonstrate to law enforcement agencies, the court system and the public that the laboratory is meeting established standards.
During the accreditation process, ASCLD/LAB-ISO inspectors closely scrutinized the Criminalistics Laboratory’s evidence-handling procedures, analytical techniques, quality assurance program, quality control procedures, analyst qualifications, testimony skills, and physical plant. Accreditation provides the laboratory’s employees with a sense of pride in meeting these difficult standards, as well as providing a foundation for establishing credibility and expertise in court and throughout the criminal justice community.
More information about the accreditation process can be obtained from the ASCLD/LAB website.