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Opens https://lacity.gov/directory in a new window.Missing Persons Unit DO NOT TAKE missing persons report directly. However if you want to make a missing persons report (in person and/or telephonically) and reside in the city of Los Angeles, you would need to go to any one of our 21 geographical divisions to make the initial report; which will be forwarded to Missing Persons Unit for investigations.
However we will take a courtesy Missing Persons report and forward it to the investigating agency for their own investigation. Again, this report would have to be made initially at one of our 21 geographical divisions to make the initial report or via telephone.
You may initiate a Missing Persons Report of any adult or juvenile by contacting your local law enforcement agency. Contrary to popular belief, law enforcement agencies in California do not require a person to wait a specific period of time before reporting a missing person.
Missing Adults (18 years of age or older)
In the City of Los Angeles, the Missing Persons Unit of the Detective Support and Vice Division investigates cases of missing adults. For questions regards missing adults, the Adult Missing Persons Unit can be reached at 213-996-1800, between the hours of 7:00 am – 4:00 pm.
Missing Juveniles (17 years of age or younger)
In the City of Los Angeles, the detective unit of your local Area community police station investigates cases of missing juveniles. For questions regarding missing juveniles, contact your local Area police station and speak with the Area Detective Unit. Typically, cases involving runaway or missing juveniles who have runaway are assigned to the Area Detective Juvenile Unit. Cases involving children who are missing as a result of a parental and/or family abductions are assigned to the Area Detective Major Assault Crimes Unit.
For additional information and assistance regarding missing children, as well as the contact information for your local LAPD police station – Click Here.