Your LAPD by Bureau

Central Bureau

Meet Your LAPD Bureau Deputy Chief and Commander

Neal, Al
Alcenda Neal

Commander Al Neal was born in Meridian, Mississippi, and moved to Los...

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Carranza, Lillian
Lillian L. Carranza

Twitter:  @LAPDCarranza Commander Lillian L. Carranza   is a 33-year service veteran of...

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Operations-Central Bureau oversees operations in the following Areas: Central, Hollenbeck, Newton, Northeast and Rampart, as well as the Central Traffic Division.

Central Bureau has a population of roughly 842,700 people, encompasses 65 square miles, and includes such diverse communities as the downtown business district, Dodger Stadium, Eagle Rock, the Fashion District, Griffith Park, MacArthur Park, Staples Center, and L.A. Live. It borders Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena, South Pasadena, Alhambra, East Los Angeles, Vernon, and Huntington Park. Central Bureau’s population is the most ethnically and culturally diverse in the City.

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Operations-Central Bureau’s Mission

Operations-Central Bureau’s mission is to support, encourage, and empower all OCB Areas to work in partnership with the diverse residential and business communities of the Bureau to improve the quality of life, enhance public safety, and reduce the fear and incidence of crime.

Operations-Central Bureau’s Goals

  • Reduction of Crime and Victimization
  • Building Community Trust and Collaboration
  • Development of Youth Outreach
  • Reduction in Gun Violence
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