WARNING: This individual is considered armed and dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend suspect yourself. If seen, contact your local police station ASAP.
Suspect enters victims residence through a side door while victims were asleep. Inside, suspect is confronted by victim #1, at which time an altercation ensues and victim #1 is injured and knocked unconscious. Victim #2 is awakened by the scuffling and observes Victim #1 (her husband) on the floor in the living room. Suspect then proceeds to punch Victim #2 in the face and forces her into the bedroom where he sexually assaults her. Suspect then flees the location on foot. Both victims were hospitalized. Suspect wore a knit cap pulled down to his eyebrows. Suspect was unshaven (3-4 days). Suspect wore black faded shorts that extended past his knees. Suspect has dark hairy legs. Suspect has numerous tattoos on his upper body with a prominent one across his stomach area which has letters or numbers.
Devonshire Area Sexual Assault Unit at 818-832-0559.