Joint-Agency 4th of July Anti-Fireworks Campaign & News Conference
June 30, 2008
2:00 p.m.
Los Angeles Police Department Training Academy
1880 North Academy Drive (athletic field)
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton
Los Angeles Sheriff Department Chief Thomas Angel
Los Angeles City Fire Battalion Chief Ronnie Villanueva
Councilmember Dennis Zine, 3rd District
Councilmember Eric Garcetti, 13th District
To Promote public awareness to the fact that all fireworks are dangerous, and illegal, within the City of Los Angeles, including Safe and Sane Fireworks.
Every year dozens of children and adults alike are injured by playing with fireworks and explosives. Fireworks are also responsible for thousands of dollars in property damage caused when sparks ignite dry brush, roofs, trees, and other fire susceptible materials.
Los Angeles City Public Service Agency’s are banding together to make sure that this 4th of July will be safe and fun for everyone.
Click here for more information on the 4th of July Anti-Fireworks.
Click here for fireworks display in the city.