Accolades for First LAPD Magnet High School Graduates

May 30, 2000

Tuesday, May 30, 2000

"Accolades for First LAPD Magnet High School Graduates"

The Los Angeles Police Department and 21st Century Insurance Group, founding sponsors of the Los Angeles Police Academy Magnet Schools, proudly announce the First High School Graduation Ceremony, honoring the "Class of 2000". The "Class of 2000" is comprised of 500 cadets enrolled in five Los Angeles high schools. The ceremony will be held on:

Thursday, June 1, 2000, at 10:00 a.m.
The Los Angeles Police Academy
1880 North Academy Drive
Los Angeles, Ca.

Los Angeles Police Chief, Bernard. C. Parks, and officials from 21st Century Insurance Group will be on hand to salute and celebrate the first graduating class.

The Los Angeles Junior Police Academy Magnet School Program was founded by Century 21st Insurance Group in 1996. Those cadets are now enrolled in five Los Angeles high schools. The program was established to prepare young men and women for future careers in law enforcement, while enriching their high school experience. The "Class of 2000" has completed four years of the program’s challenging and rigorous educational and training curriculum.

You are invited to attend the graduation ceremony and the festivities that will follow, as these young men and women, together with their families, "Prepare to Serve".

For Release 1:00 pm PDT
May 30, 2000