Awards Luncheon
Thursday, February 25, 2010
12 PM
Wilshire Grand Hotel
930 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles 90017
Councilmember Jan Perry, Ninth Council District
Deputy Chief Sergio Diaz, Operations Central Bureau
Commander Blake Chow, Operations Central Bureau
Captain Todd Chamberlain, Central Area
Captain Daryl Russell, Central Area
Master of Ceremony, Alan Reno of Let the Music Play
To recognize the fine men and women of the Los Angeles Police Department Central Area and honor them for their commitment and dedication. Among those to be honored will be:
– Sergeant I Kasie Chavez, Supervisor of the Year
– Police Officer III Antonio Gutierrez, Police Officer of the Year
– Detective I Joshua Riggs, Detective of the Year
– Secretary Honore Rausch, Civilian of the Year
– Diana Ugalde, Volunteer of the Year
– Reserve Officer Ali Bashar, Reserve Officer of the Year
The luncheon provides the business and residents of the community a forum to recognize and support the Department in downtown Los Angeles. The community would like to thank the personnel at the Central Community Police Station for their extraordinary efforts to make downtown safe.
Anyone interested in attending, or who have questions, is asked to contact Police Officer Marie Kardiban, Booster Liaison, Community Relations Office Central Area at 213-972-1876.