Los Angeles: In a heartfelt message to the men and women of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), Chief Charlie Beck sadly announced the death of his mother, Elma Beck.
Chief Beck’s mother passed away at her home in San Pedro Calif., on October 18, 2010, after a short but courageous battle with cancer. Elma Beck was surrounded by family and friends when she died.
Elma Beck was born Elma Catherine Keller on September 15, 1923, in Nanaimo, Canada. Elma Beck completed her compulsory education in Canada. In 1945, she earned her nursing degree from St. Paul School of Nursing and moved to Los Angeles to pursue her career. In 1966, she earned her baccalaureate degree and teaching credential from Long Beach State University. Elma Beck was a fifth-grade teacher for nineteen years at Ramona Elementary School in Bellflower, Calif.
In addition to her nursing and teaching careers, Elma Beck was a lifelong athlete who competed in numerous marathons and power-lifting events. To this day, she holds a national title for power-lifting in her age and weight category. She was also an accomplished artist and her paintings have been displayed in several South Bay area galleries and restaurants.
Elma Beck is the matriarch of a law enforcement family deeply rooted in the finest traditions and rich histories of the LAPD and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. She is survived by her loving husband of 61 years, retired LAPD Deputy Chief George Beck.
Elma Beck is also survived by her children, Charlie and Megan; her six grandchildren, LAPD Officers Brandi Scimone and Martin Beck, Megan Beck, Carly McElroy, Quinn McElroy and Tess McElroy; her great grandchild, Peyton Matzke; and her numerous immediate and extended family members and many dear friends.
Memorial services will be private. In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that donations be made to the Los Angeles Police Memorial Foundation in loving memory of Elma Beck.