Testimony before the House Committee on the Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet .
Thursday, September 24, 2009
10 a.m. (Eastern Time)
2123 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC, 20515
Los Angeles Police Department Chief William J. Bratton in his capacity as the President of the Major Cities Chiefs Association.
Chairman Boucher and other respected leaders have demonstrated a compelling need to address the need for a national interoperable broadband network for Public Safety.
In recent months the major Public Safety organizations have unified in an unprecedented effort to forge a consensus on how to make a wireless public safety broadband network a reality nationwide.
Chief Bratton will make a variety of recommendations to the newly formed Commission to improve the level of service to communities across the United States through technological advancement.
Chief Bratton’s testimony can be read in its entirety at www.lapdonline.org immediately following the hearing.