Colombian Lotto Criminal Operation in the Southland

April 24, 2008

Colombian Lotto Criminal Operation in the Southland

Thursday, April 24, 2008
4:00 PM

Parker Center
150 North Los Angeles Street
Los Angeles, CA

Captain Blake Chow, Hollenbeck Area Community Police Station
Los Angeles Sheriff Department Representative
Hollenbeck Area Detectives

A task force comprised of Hollenbeck Area Personnel analyzed several incidents where victims had been conned into forfeiting their personal income.

The task force targeted several banks where suspects had been known to operate. Within hours, Hollenbeck Area Detectives identified two suspects in the process of operating their scam. The operation ended successfully with the prevention of a crime and the arrest of two suspects.

Follow-up investigation has connected these suspects to crimes committed within the County of Los Angeles. Information about the lotto scams, suspects (including photos) will be released with the hope of identifying additional victims.