Councilmembers Recognize National day of Human Trafficking Awareness

January 11, 2008

National Day of Human Trafficking Awareness, City Council Presentation

Friday, January 11, 2008
10:15 AM

Main City Hall, Council Chambers
200 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Councilman Tony Cardenas
Council President Eric Garcetti
LAPD’s Metropolitan Task Force on Human Trafficking
Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST)

City Council members will be recognizing National Day of Human Trafficking Awareness by highlighting recent accomplishments of LAPD’s Metropolitan Task Force on Human Trafficking. In addition, CAST will be honored. CAST representatives will reveal the most current national statistics on trafficking crimes. A new Public Service Announcement produced by Cardenas will also be revealed.

The Metropolitan Task Force on Human Trafficking was established in 2005 by grant of the United States Department of Justice. CAST was established in 1998, and was the first in the country to open a shelter exclusively for trafficking victims. In 2003, Cardenas started spear-heading anti-trafficking policy after federal
authorities found about 15 women in South Los Angeles who were forced to prostitute themselves to pay off their traffickers.

A media availability will be held in the press room behind council chambers after the presentation.