Dedication of building to be used for training
Thursday, April 26, 2012
12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
Devonshire Community Police Station
10250 Etiwanda Avenue
Northridge, CA 91325
LAPD Commander Jim Cansler, Assistant Commanding Officer, OVB
LAPD Captain III Kris E. Pitcher, Commanding Officer, Devonshire Area
LAPD Captain I Maureen E. Ryan, Commanding Officer, Devonshire Patrol Division
Board of Directors, Supporters of Law Enforcement In Devonshire (SOLID)
Devonshire station was built nearly 40 years ago and was not adequately designed for the training needs of today’s police officer. The building generously donated by citizen support group, Supporters of Law Enforcement In Devonshire (SOLID), now houses the Devonshire Area Training Staff and Tactical Training Center. This is an area where officers from not only Devonshire Area, but all of Operations-Valley Bureau, can conveniently utilize the Force Option Simulator (FOS), a highly advanced piece of tactical training equipment assigned to Devonshire Area by the Department.
For more information, please contact Sergeant James Antenucci, Training Coordinator, Devonshire Area, at 818-832-0791, or e-mail him at: 26784@lapd.lacity.org.