WHAT: The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in partnership with the University of Southern California (U.S.C.) and local business owners, will bring together more than 500 children from the Hollenbeck community to give them holiday presents.
WHEN: Sunday, December 20, 2015 11:00 a.m.
WHERE: 3475 Whittier Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90033
WHO: Los Angeles Police Department Deputy Chief Jose Perez Los Angeles Police Department Commander Robert Arcos Los Angeles Police Department Commander Dennis Kato Los Angeles Police Department Captain Martin A. Baeza Los Angeles Police Department Foot beat Officers Los Angeles Police Department Hollenbeck Community Relations
DETAILS: To celebrate the holiday season, Foot beat Officers from Hollenbeck Area have invited children from the community to receive toys. The toys were generously donated by the Hollenbeck business owners.
It is our goal to continue to engage the members of the community, develop partnerships and cooperation to showcase that the L.A.P.D. as a stakeholder in the Hollenbeck community.
If interested in attending please contact Sergeant II Guillermo Galvan at 25093@lapd.lacity.org (323) 342-4139.
Call us 24/7 at 1-877-LAPD-24-7 (1-877-527-3247) to share any helpful information you have.
Call the L.A. Regional Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS
(800-222-8477) or submit an anonymous tip through our form.