WHAT: LAPD reveals new Volunteer Corps initiative and highlights the blueprint to recruit thousands of Angelenos for volunteer work with the Department
WHEN: Tuesday October 23, 2018 2:00 p.m.
WHERE: LAPD Police Headquarters Facility 100 West 1st Street Los Angeles, CA 90012
WHO: LAPD Chief of Police, Chief Michel Moore LAPD Assistant Chief Beatrice Girmala, Director, Office of Special Operations LAPD Commander Gerald Woodyard, Commanding Officer, Community Engagement Group LAPD Captain Darnell Davenport, Commanding Officer, Community Outreach and Development Division
DETAILS: The LAPD’s Community Outreach and Development Division will unveil one of the LAPD’s largest community initiatives in the Department’s history. In Chief Moore’s first 100 days in office, he has transformed the LAPD into a Department of greater inclusion by increasing the participatory roles of community members. The LAPD is looking for businesses, community groups, individuals and others to participate in a variety of non-enforcement activities including; detective and clerical operations, crime prevention, traffic and school safety programs, residential and holiday security checks and patrol operations. Dozens of community members from across the city will sign up at the Tuesday event. The brand-new volunteers will be available to tell their unique stories and explain why they now believe their participation in the LAPD will change the LAPD and the communities in which they live.
If interested in attending, or have questions, please contact Community Outreach and Development Division, at (213) 486-6000 or email: LAPDvolunteers@lapd.online.