The Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) inaugural Cadet Corps graduation ceremony. This will be the first class of Cadets graduating from our newly formed program that places strong emphasis on discipline, leadership, academic excellence and life-skills.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
9 a.m.
LAPD Elysian Park Academy
1880 North Academy Drive
Los Angeles 90012
LAPD Assistant Chief Earl C. Paysinger, Director, Office of Operations
Michael Josephson, Josephson Institute of Ethics
175 Cadet graduates and over 1,000 Cadets, family members and law enforcement officials.
To acknowledge the youth who participate in the program. Participants are 14 – 20 years old, are in good academic standing and come from regions across the City. During the 14-week academy term, Cadets receive instruction in:
Law enforcement principles
Traffic enforcement
Crime scene investigation
Cultural diversity
Laws of arrest
Gangs and narcotics
Additionally, students receive training in the Josephson Institute’s “Six Pillars of Character,” a character development series, along with a youth version of Toastmasters, which is an eight-week course for students to become better communicators and leaders through practical experience. All courses are taught and/or facilitated by sworn members of the LAPD.
These newest graduates will join over 3,000 current Cadet Corps participants who volunteer in their neighborhoods and schools throughout the City and seek to improve their lives by being leaders in their communities.
For more information about this event, contact Cadet Program Coordinator Natalie Torres at 213-486-0100.