Human Trafficking Task Force, Three-Year Enforcement Update
WHAT: News Conference
WHEN: Thursday, October 25, at 9:00 AM
WHERE: Northeast corner of Sepulveda Boulevard and Valerio Street
WHO: Los Angeles City Councilwoman Nury Martinez LAPD Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher, Commanding Officer, OVB Commander Beverly Lewis, Assistant Commanding Officer, OVB LAPD Captain David Grimes, Commanding Officer, Foothill Area LAPD Captain Charles Hearn, Commanding Officer, Van Nuys Area LAPD Captain Natalie Cortez, Commanding Officer, Mission Area LAPD Lieutenant Marc Evans, Vice Coordinator, OVB Dr. Stephany Powell, Executive Director of Journey Out
WHY: LAPD Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher and Los Angeles City Councilwoman Nury Martinez will announce the three-year anniversary of the formation of the Operations-Valley Bureau Human Trafficking Task Force and the staggering results and impact the OVB-Human Trafficking Task Force has made. The OVB-Human Trafficking Task Force has now become a model for other cities and agencies.
PARKING: Street parking available in the area
CONTACT: If you have any questions feel free to call Lieutenant Marc Evans at 818-644-8105.