Los Angeles: Last Sunday morning Detective III George Selleh and Police Officer II David Rodriguez lost their lives in two unrelated freeway traffic accidents. Today the LAPD warned the public against fraudulent donation solicitations that have occurred since the accidents on July 29th.
"Our police stations are receiving complaints from citizens saying they’ve been called and asked for credit card information on the pretense of donating funds for fallen officers," said Deputy Chief Michel Moore. "I want to stress that the LAPD does not solicit funds by telephone for any reason. Legitimate channels for contributions have been set up, but no member of the public will be solicited by this Department via telephone for a donation." Anyone receiving such a call is asked to report the occurrence to his or her local police station.
Since the officers’ deaths, an outpouring of support from the public has been received and greatly appreciated by the Department and the officers’ families. Those wishing to make donations are invited to do so by contacting the entities listed below.
Officer David Rodriquez was appointed to the Department in May of 2003. He was the sole supporter of his mother. Having only four years with the Department, he was not vested in a pension. Donations offered in his memory can be mailed to:
"Blue Ribbon Trust FBO David Rodriguez"
Los Angeles Police Federal Credit Union
Attn: Blue Ribbon Trust FBO David Rodriguez #2030077 S4.6
P.O. Box 10188
Van Nuys, CA 91410
Detective III George Selleh was a 29-year veteran of the Los Angeles Police Department. Donations offered in his memory can be mailed to:
"Blue Ribbon Trust FBO George Michael Sellah"
Los Angeles Police Federal Credit Union
Attn: Blue Ribbon Trust FBO George Michael Selleh #2030077 S4.7
P.O. Box 10188
Van Nuys, CA 91410
Questions may be directed to Media Relations Section.