LAPD’s Happy Holiday Campaign

December 1, 2001

Press Conference To Provide Public with Holiday Safety Tips and Advise on Efforts of LAPD Officers To Make Holiday Season Bright.
Monday, December 10, 2001
11:00 a.m.
Parker Center, 150 North Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles

Los Angeles: With the advent of the holidays, Chief Bernard C. Parks and members of the Los Angeles Police Department are extending their holiday greetings and best wishes for a safe and happy new year.
Throughout this past year, we have been faced with unprecedented obstacles, challenges and a newly reprised feeling of national unity. With so many overwhelming recent events that have shaken our sense of security, it is assuring to know that as a City, and a nation, we will recover, and prosper together simply because we care about each other.
In following the tradition of caring, especially during the holidays, Chief Bernard C. Parks and the Los Angeles Police Department have sponsored a series of Holiday Community Events. Each of these events are primarily focused on community members who are in need of assistance.
At the press conference, Chief Bernard C. Parks will provide specific details in response to the LAPD "Happy Holiday Campaign." This campaign, (See schedule below) is a series of events in which LAPD members and related associations have donated toys, food and celebration to benefit the children and senior citizens of Los Angeles. Chief Parks will also address the topic of personal safety during the holiday season.
This Media Advisory was prepared by Public Information Officer Jack Richter. For further information contact Media Relations Section at 213-485-3586.
Saturday, December 8, 2001
Between 12:00 and 3:00 p.m.
Hollywood Police Support Association and Hollywood Division
Holiday party for "The Children of Hollywood"
6501 Fountain Avenue. For further information contact Office Barrett
Sunday, December 9, 2001
Starting at 11:00 p.m.
California Motorcycle Riders Association and 77th Street Division
Motorcycle Toy Ride to benefit the children of South Central LA.
Starting at Martin Luther King Blvd and Menlo
For further contact Officer Lloyd or Gaylord at 213-485-4164
Sunday, December 9, 2001
Between 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Pacific Community Police Station and The Los Angeles Unified School District
Hosting a Pacific Community Police Station parade
Parade begins at Lincoln and Manchester and ends at Emerson Avenue.
For further contact Officer Arnold at 310-202-4524
Friday, December 14, 2001
Starting at 9:00 a.m.
North Hollywood Division
Head Start Caravan Toy Give Away
For Further contact Sgt. Bill Martin at 818-623-4001
Monday, December 17, 2001
Starting at 2:00 p.m.
West Valley Area
Nursing Home Christmas Jubilee
For Further contact Sergeant Cindy Brounsten 818-756-8406
Wednesday through Saturday, December 19-22, 2001
All hours
Foothill Community Station
Holiday Basket Give-Away
For further information contact Officer Don Blaken 818-756-8866
Thursday, December 20, 2001
Beginning at 12:30 p.m.
Central Traffic Division "Cops 4 Tots"
Holiday Party for the Children’s Hospital, Bone Marrow Transplant Unit.
For further information contact Officer Rangel at 213-485-2799
Thursday, December 20, 2001
Beginning at 4:00 p.m.
Burns Manor Senior Citizen "Cook-Out"
8155 Foothill Blvd Tujunga
Entertaining 80 community home residents from the Sunland and Tujunga area For further information contact Officer Forman at 818-756-8866
Saturday, December 22, 2001
From 11:00 – 2:00 p.m.
North Hollywood Division
Activities for challenged children
Harvard and Westlake School
For Further contact Sgt. Bill Martin at 818-623-4001
Saturday, December 22, 2001
Starting at 2:30 PM.
North Hollywood Division
Patrol caravan "Toy Giveaway"
For further contact Sgt. Bill Martin at 818-623-4001
Monday, December 31, 2001
Beginning at (time not available)
Hollywood Division
New Years Eve Youth Fundraiser
Hollywood Blvd between Cahuenga and Vine.
For further information contact Sgt. M. Arminio 323-957-4519