Los Angeles: After years of documented violations, a local bar is finally closed.
On September 27, 2007, at about 1:30 p.m., Operation ABC (Detective Support and Vice Division) assisted the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) with the posting of an ABC license revocation order at the Mi Cielito Lindo Bar located at 18146 Sheman Way, in Reseda. The bar had been plagued for years with Vice-related crime problems.
The Department of ABC has revoked licensee, Oscar Escalante’s, license to sell alcohol after several violations were committed involving the illegal solicitation of alcoholic beverages, conducted by undercover police officers posing as patrons.
The Cielito Lindo Bar has had an extensive history of alcohol-related crime, which has had a detrimental impact on the quiet Reseda neighborhood. Violations include the illegal solicitation of alcoholic beverages, the over-service of alcoholic beverages to intoxicated and underage individuals, and lewd conduct.
Due to community concerns, the property has been the subject of a lengthy abatement investigation involving the West Valley Area vice unit, Detective Support and Vice Division (Community Problems Unit and Operation ABC), and the California Department of ABC Van Nuys District Office. As a result of the alcohol related crime problem associated with the Mi Cielito Lindo Bar and the drain on Department resources, the West Valley Area vice Unit and DSVD identified the location as a “Top Ten Percent” crime location.
“This location has been the scene for many crimes of violence, a nuisance, and a cancer in the community. This revocation will allow us to reestablish a quality of life for the residents of this area” said Councilman Dennis P. Zine. “I will continue to work with LAPD to eradicate other problem bars in my District.”
It is anticipated that the closure of this location will enhance the surrounding business and residential communities. Under ABC regulations, a new ABC license cannot be issued at the location for a minimum of one year.
For additional information, please contact Sergeant Gabriel Kearney, OIC West Valley Area vice unit at 818-374-7860 or Sergeant Steve Moore, Operation ABC DSVD at 213-972-2500.