Los Angeles Police Department’s Chief Charlie Beck Announces his Retirement NR18016ti

January 22, 2018

Los Angeles: After 42 years in law enforcement Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck announced his retirement from the Department, effective later this summer. “The time is right for this city, with a strong Mayor, a committed Police Commission, and a unified City Council who will all help to choose the next Police Chief,” Beck said to a room full of reporters and command staff this morning. He acknowledged his leadership team, “This command staff is at its best in generations as evidenced by the LAPD veterans who lead police agencies all over the country. “This and the Department’s current leadership create an outstanding pool of candidates who deserve an opportunity to lead.”

Beck is Los Angeles’ 56th Chief of Police and was first appointed in November of 2009. LA Mayor Eric Garcetti said the Chief will help identify candidates to replace him, but ultimately it is the Board of Police Commissioners who will forward recommendations to the Mayor’s Office. Beck’s last day on the job will be June 27th, 2018, and the Chief has said he will work to the very last day.