The 17th Annual Jack Webb Awards Dinner, presented by the Los Angeles Police Historical Society (LAPHS), honoring individuals for their dedication to law enforcement.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Silent Auction- 6 p.m.
Dinner- 7:30 p.m.
Sheraton Universal Hotel Grand Ballroom
333 Universal Hollywood Drive
Universal City, CA 91608
Los Angeles County Chief Executive Officer Bill Fujioka
Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe, 4th District
Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, 2nd District
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Fred Fujioka
Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley
Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca
Los Angeles City Councilmember Ed Reyes, Council District 1
Los Angeles City Councilmember Dennis Zine, Council District 3
Los Angeles City Councilmember Bernard Parks, Council District 8
Los Angeles City Councilmember Jan Perry, Council District 9
Los Angeles City Councilmember Greig Smith, Council District 12
Counsel General of Japan, the Honorable Junichi Ihara
Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck
Mistress of Ceremonies, Ms. Laura Diaz, Anchor for CBS Channel 2 News
Mrs. Opal Webb, spouse of "Dragnet" creator Jack Webb
Jack Webb Award Honorees:
Jackie (Mrs. Gene) Autry, Humanitarian and Business Woman
Dr. Darlene Kuba-Fujioka, Law Enforcement Advocate
Dr. Paul and Beverly Toffel, Members of the Law Enforcement Family
2010 LAPD Medal of Valor Recipients
To acknowledge outstanding individuals in the community who have shown support for the law enforcement profession through their accomplishments, actions and deeds.
The LAPHS board of directors developed the Jack Webb Award program to acknowledge recipients for their extraordinary life-long commitments to the LAPD and the support of public safety. The LAPHS is proud to announce this year’s honorees as follows:
Jackie (Mrs. Gene) Autry
Dr. Darlene Kuba-Fujioka
Dr. Paul and Beverly Toffel.
In addition to the presentation of the distinguished Jack Webb Awards, the LAPHS will pay a special tribute to Alice Stebbins Wells, the first woman in the nation with full police powers to arrest, and to the women who have followed her into sworn LAPD service.
The Jack Webb Awards annual gala is the primary source of revenue for the nonprofit LAPHS organization and sustains the yearly operations of its facility. The net proceeds from this special event provide much-needed funding to operate and further develop the LAPD Museum and Community Education Center, which is an integral part of the LAPHS.
Active and Retired Women from all ranks of the Los Angeles Police Department will showcase 21 uniforms worn by LAPD female officers from 1910, to present.
For more information, please contact Iris Caplan, ICAP Specialty Events at 323-653-9448, or visit the Los Angeles Police Historical Society’s website at: