Los Angeles Police Officer Commits Time To Reading to Community Children

March 26, 2001

"Los Angeles Police Officer Commits Time To Reading to
Community Children"
Los Angeles – Officer Manny Tarango goes above and beyond his duties of being a Community Law Enforcement and Recovery (CLEAR) officer with the Newton Area Community Police Station. Officer Tarango has been an officer for the Los Angeles Police Department, for 19 years, and has been in the CLEAR unit for two years. The CLEAR unit’s primary goal is to target crime ridden areas. Officer Tarango stated, "We make the quality of life better for the people of the Newton Area."

A year and a half ago, Officer Tarango became inspired with the program, "Adopt-A-School". Since then, Officer Tarango, Detective David Reyes, and Officer Lisa Duran of the Newton Community Police Station have adopted Holmes Elementary School. The officers and the detective go to the school each week to read books to the children. According to Officer Tarango, "We do more than just read to the children, we are mentors and role models for them." Officer Tarango reads to Ms. Bells Kindergarten class at Holmes Elementary.
Six months after Officer Tarango became involved with the "Adopt-A-School" program at Holmes Elementary School, he found yet another way to help his community. The Vernon Branch Library, located at 4504 South Central Avenue, was experiencing chronic problems with transients, drug dealers, and crimes of burglary from motor vehicles. The library personnel reported that children were afraid to go to the library, and that the transients were harassing parents entering and exiting the library. Officer Tarango decided that he would begin a reading program for children in the community who visit the library. By going to the library, Officer Tarango believed he would benefit the children and also be a visible deterrent for suspects in the area. Since Officer Tarango began reading at the library, the crime rate in the area has dropped. Additionally, the children are enjoying his time.
Officer Tarango, along with other sworn and civilian LAPD employees read at the Vernon Branch Library every Tuesday at 3:00 pm. For further information regarding this press release, please contact Media Relations Section 213-485-3586.
Officer Hayley Purece, Media Relations Section prepared this press release.