Los Angeles: During the early morning hours of May 3, 2007, the Los Angeles Police Department began an investigation into a report that a Los Angeles School Police Department officer had committed a sexual assault of a female motorist while the officer was on duty.
The Los Angeles Police Department’s Robbery-Homicide Division, Rape Special Section assumed investigative responsibility with the full cooperation of the Los Angeles School Police Department.
The investigation led to the officer’s arrest for California Penal Code Section 289(g), penetration with a foreign object. The Officer was booked at the Los Angeles Police Department’s Parker Center Jail with a bail of $250,000.00. The case will be presented to the District Attorney’s office next week.
The officer is identified as Ian King, 34-years of age.
Anyone with information is asked to call Robbery-Homicide Division. On weekends and during off-hours, phone the 24-hour toll free Detective Information Desk at 1-877-LAWFULL (1-877-529-3855).