Los Angeles: On January 26, 2010, at around Noon, Rampart Patrol Division Police Officer I Robert Ruiz, and his partner responded to a request to assist personnel from the Los Angeles County Psychiatric Evaluation Team (PET) at a board and care facility located in the 1400 block of James M. Wood Boulevard.
When the officers arrived they were confronted by a 35 year-old male, who had in his hands pieces of bricks and threatened to throw them at the officers. At one point, the male jumped on top of a police car with the bricks in his hands. Officer Ruiz drew his TASER and warned the man that he would be tazed if he did not stop and submit to arrest. Officer Ruiz fired his TASER at the man. The man pulled the darts out and continued to run with the bricks.
Police Officers II Ismael Chaparro, and his partner responded to assist Officer Ruiz, and his partner after a request was made for a non lethal beanbag shotgun. Officer Chaparro retrieved a beanbag shotgun from his vehicle. Officer Chaparro chambered a round and gave a verbal warning to the man that he would be shot if he did not stop his actions. The man refused to comply with the officers’ commands and continued to run around with the bricks. Officer Chaparro shot him with the beanbag which brought him to the ground. He was taken into custody and transported to Los Angeles County Hospital by Rescue Ambulance for medical treatment. He was subsequently transferred to the Psychiatric Ward for additional treatment.
Force Investigation Division personnel responded and are investigating the use of force.