Los Angeles: The Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) Metropolitan Division K-9 Unit is sending two K-9 trainers to South Korea to test and evaluate the possibility of the Jindo being integrated into the Department’s K-9 Program.
This is an exciting endeavor for the LAPD. Metropolitan Division is honored to be partnering with the Jindo Dog Promotion and Innovatioin Agency (JDPIA) in this first of its kind collaboration with a police agency within the United States.
The Jindo breed is an extremely intelligent, brave and loyal animal, and is even designated as one of South Korea’s National Treasures, its 53rd.
A collective agreement was reached calling for two LAPD K-9 handlers to travel to Chonnam Province in South Korea to participate in a thorough evaluation and assessment of the breed. While in South Korea, Department personnel will be permitted to test between 20-30 Jindo dogs ranging in age from three months to two years for their suitability to be police service dogs and/or gun detection dogs. Upon successful testing and evaluation the Department trainers will be permitted to select two Jindo dogs, which will be donated by JDPIOA to the Department, for return to the United States for continued evaluation and testing with the Department’s K-9 Program. JDPIA is funding this project.
Additionally, the Department will provide a methodology of training specifications for Jindo dog breeders/trainers. A communication network will be established for future discussions regarding K-9 training, tactics and technology. The Department will provide quarterly feedback to personnel at JDPIA concerning the progress of the Jindo dog’s training, including any concerns identified that would affect future research, training and collaboration.