Officer-Involved-Shootings Name Release – NR21118ne

April 27, 2021

Los Angeles: A Los Angeles Times reporter brought to the attention of The Los Angeles Police Department, that some news releases dated between July 2018 and October 2020, that were posted on the LAPD public website were missing the name of the officer involved in Officer-Involved Shootings.

The Department conducted an audit and discovered there were news releases that had not been updated with the names. The releases have now been updated with the names and have been posted on the LAPD public website

The Department has now implemented a monitoring system to ensure the names of officers are release and posted in a timely manner.

The following news releases were discovered not to contain the officer’s names.

New Release # Date of Incident

  • NRF050-20 10/03/20
  • NRF024-20 06/01/20
  • NRF011-20 03/31/20
  • NRF012-20 04/15/20
  • NRF007-20 02/24/20
  • NRF039-19 08/14/19
  • NRF041-18 06/20/18
  • NRF048-18 07/29/18