Allstate Insurance Company-public awareness demonstration
Thursday, June 17, 2010
12 p.m.
Farmer’s Market @ Los Angeles City Hall (south lawn)
200 N. Spring Street,
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Lt. II John Delvecchio, Commercial Crimes Division, Commercial Auto Theft Section
Lt. II Jay St. Pierre, Commercial Crimes Division, Fraud Section
Detective III Ronald A. Vega, Commercial Crimes Division, Auto Fraud Unit
Detective III Michael Perez, Commercial Crimes Division, Commercial Auto Theft Section
Detective II Lawayne Stift, Commercial Crimes Division, Commercial Auto Theft Section
Allstate Insurance Company, Representative Stacy Morrison
Allstate Insurance Company, Representative Jim Klapthor
The purpose of the public awareness demonstration and auto-demolition will educate the general public of the crimes committed against car owners and the insurance industry. To further illustrate this message Allstate personnel will enact a “seven-minute” demolition/stripping of a vehicle for public view. Allstate Insurance Company and the LAPD will provide handout material detailing a “seven-step” approach to avoid being victimized. The assigned LAPD personnel will answer questions and provide expertise and insight to the general public. This collaborative effort is part of the Department’s overall goal for reducing crime while working in conjunction with private industry.
For further information, contact Detective III Ronald A. Vega, Commercial Crimes Division, Auto-Fraud Unit at 213-486-8734 and/or Detective III Michael Perez, Commercial Crimes Division, Commercial Auto Theft Section at 213-485-2507.