Recruitment Up At LAPD – Recent figures reflect dramatic increase in officer candidates

October 31, 2001

"RECRUITMENT UP AT LAPD – Recent figures reflect dramatic increase in officer candidates"
Los Angeles – At the Los Angeles Police Commission meeting yesterday, it was announced that recruitment figures have recently experienced a dramatic increase. Thus far, for the month of October 1,595 individuals took the initial test to qualify as a Los Angeles Police Department officer. This figure represents an amazing increase over previous months this year when the average was 794. The number of individuals interested in becoming LAPD officers has not been this high since 1996.
Police Commission President Rick J. Caruso stated, "We are thrilled with this increase. This Commission has focused on recruitment, retention and morale — to see a large jump in interested candidates is very encouraging."
While the economy can take some credit for the upswing in applicants, there are several other factors which have made the difference. Recently, the Police Commission approved a flexible work schedule allowing the LAPD to compete with other neighboring law enforcement agencies also offering the plan. In addition, the LAPD’s Recruitment Section reports that they are enjoying the rewards of intense recruitment efforts in the recent months. Following the country’s nationalistic spirit, the Recruitment Section launched a new Public Service Announcement with the tagline, "Serve your country by serving your community," which is believed to have brought in many applicants.
The Recruitment Division is aggressively canvassing all possible new locations for recruits, including companies experiencing lay-offs. Officers from the Recruitment Section are capable of administering the test at any location, at any time. This factor has played a significant role in bringing in more applicants. Just last night, tests were administered in San Diego, and the day before, in Camp Pendleton.
As the individuals who pass the test work through the rest of the requirements, the Department should start to see larger recruitment classes after the beginning of the year.