Los Angeles: The Los Angeles Police Department’s Special Operations Division, Worker’s Compensation Fraud Unit, arrested Retired Police Officer II Terry Johns today in the City of Eastvale on a felony arrest warrant for worker’s compensation fraud. Johns retired in 2016 with 32 years on the LAPD. Court orders were served on Johns’ financial accounts freezing assets related to the alleged fraud. We believe he defrauded the City of in excess of $200,000. Johns is 56 years of age.
The LAPD’s Special Operations Division, Worker’s Compensation Fraud Unit, conducted an investigation that stemmed from a medical claim filed by Johns in 2014, while he was still an active member of the LAPD. Investigators working in partnership with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Healthcare Fraud Division, as well as the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office, established probable cause to believe that Johns knowingly engaged in physical activities inconsistent with his claimed injury while off work on disability. As a result, he received benefits to which he was not entitled, including benefits as part of the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP).
Johns is in the process of being booked in Riverside County and will be held on a $160,000 bail. The LAPD’s
Workers Compensation Fraud Unit was expanded in late 2008 to investigate workers’ compensation fraud and other allegations involving abuse of benefits by city employees. The goal of the LAPD is to aggressively investigate fraud and abuse of benefits within the workers’ compensation system. This is the third workers’ compensation related fraud arrest by the Department’s Worker’s Compensation Fraud Unit this year.