Announce Suspect Arrested for Severe Hit and Run Traffic Collision
WHAT: News Conference
WHEN: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 7:30 a.m.
WHERE: West Traffic Division West Bureau-Community Room 4849 Venice Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90019
WHO: LAPD Captain Elaine Morales, Commanding Officer, West Traffic Division LAPD Detective Connie White, West Traffic Division LAPD Police Officer Erika Spence, West Traffic Division Victim Corentin Villemeur
WHY: On November 6, 2018, around 11:25 p.m., a severe hit and run traffic accident occurred at Vine Street and Hollywood Boulevard. The suspect’s vehicle traveled southbound on Vine Street, struck a pedestrian as he walked east on Vine Street from the west curb. The pedestrian, was identified as Corentin Villemeur, a French Photographer and a Los Angeles resident.
On December 5, 2018, West Traffic Division held a news conference, in an effort to seek the assistance from community members who could provide information leading to the offender’s identification and apprehension.
Villemeur’s family from France attended, along with his friends from Los Angeles.
CONTACT:: If you have any questions feel free to contact all Detective Connie White or Police Officer Erika Spence at (213) 473-0234.