Taekwondo Master Visits LAPD West Valley Division, Police Athletic League (PAL) to Preside Over Children’s Belt Rank Testing

April 10, 2010

A martial arts promotional ceremony for children in the West Valley PALs Program  

Sunday, April 11, 2010
12 p.m. to 1 p.m 

Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) West Valley Community Police Station
19020 Van Owen Street
Reseda California, 91335
LAPD West Valley Detective Mark Pursel
West Valley PAL President Leslie Kaz
Co-Founder of Team Pride (Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Discipline, and Excellence)
Inc. Master Jordan Schreiber  

LAPD, West Valley PAL, and Master Schreiber’s Team Pride Organization have joined forces to provide underprivileged children with positive mentorship through martial arts. The program was designed to give youth the confidence needed to stay away from the criminal element and  remain in school.
Sixteen children will be testing to promote to the next level of taekwondo mastery.  These participants have been training for four months with the PAL program under the tutelage of Detective Mark Pursel.

There will be martial arts demonstrations by the American Taekwondo Association (ATA) black belts and a Certificate of Appreciation presented to Master Schreiber by West Valley PAL President Leslie Kaz on behalf of Los Angeles City Councilman Dennis Zine.
For more information contact Detective Mark Pursel at (310) 562-3704 or visit www.westvalleypals.org and www.prideforkids.org.