Los Angeles: The Los Angeles Police Department announced the capture of one of the Top-10 wanted gang members, 35-year-old Carlos Merrell Broady. He was arrested in the Lower Baldwin Hills Area of Los Angeles.
"This capture was an extraordinary team effort by the Los Angeles Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation," said Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton.
On May 1, 2007 surveillance was conducted at 4803 West Martin Luther King Boulevard. Officers observed Broady evasively coming in and out of an apartment. The officers surrounded the building and located Broady hiding between mattresses in the upstairs apartment, he was arrested without incident.
Carlos Broady was part of an extensive investigation targeting the Black P-Stone gang, a Blood set that terrorizes the neighborhood of the Lower Baldwin Hills. Broady was recorded on numerous occasions by under cover officers selling large quantities of narcotics in the Lower Baldwin Hills Area.
During January 2007 Broady was added to the Departments top ten most wanted gangmember list. Members of the LAPD/FBI Violent Crime Task Force assigned to the South Bureau Criminal Gang/Homicide Group in a joint effort with the Federal Bureau of Investigation focused relentless efforts to arrest the fugitive. The officers conducted numerous hours of surveillance as well as targeting various locations in Pasadena and Los Angeles Area.
Officers had conducted surveillance of several locations in the Lower Baldwin Hills area where it was believed that Broady was attempting to re-establish his drug sales.
Broady who has arrests for murder, carjacking, robbery and narcotics sales was transported to the Federal Metropolitan Detention Center and placed in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service.
The replacement on the Top-10 Most Wanted gang member list will be announced on a separate news release.