Los Angeles: The final report from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) regarding the explosion on 27th Street has been completed as well as the Department’s own After Action Report.
The ATF final report confirmed that the cause of the explosion that occurred on 27th Street was a result of human error when officers miscalculated the weight of the explosives placed into the Total Containment Vessel (TCV) resulting in its catastrophic failure. This occurred as the bomb technicians visually estimated the weight of the involved material in place of a physical measurement.
The Department’s After Action Report includes a summary and critique of the incident from the initial response, actions involving the removal and disposal of the illegal fireworks, and the aftermath and recovery efforts.
The Department has identified 13 specific actions being taken to strengthen operating protocols, training and oversight to ensure such an accident is never repeated. A number of the actions identified have already been implemented including the prohibition of the use of the Total Containment Vessel for the onsite disposal of explosives in a residential setting.
With the completion of both reports the Department will now move forward in the complaint investigation of those involved. Additionally, the Federal Bureau of Investigation will review the revised operating guidelines, oversight and protocols and provide its findings to the Department to ensure our operations represent the best practices in this critical function.
We will continue to work with other city entities to assist our community in recovery efforts. To date, 191 claims have been submitted to the City with 42 settled. 132 claims are in varying states of completion. Yesterday, Chief Moore met with a group of over 50 of the people most adversely impacted by the explosion which consisted of both residents and business owners.
The purpose of the meeting was for the Chief to apologize for the incident and discuss the path forward. The Department will continue to hear our communities concerns and work to improve the safety of all.
There will be a virtual Town Hall type meeting at 5:00 pm today where a larger group of people will be able to express their concerns and views. In an effort to ensure transparency, copies of the After Action Report and the ATF report can be found below:
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