Community Relations Section

The Community Relations Section (CRS), Office of the Chief of Police, is a descendant of the Community Relations Bureau which was founded in 1965, soon after the Watts Riots. The Bureau was created to deal specifically with the increasing police-community problems that contribute to community tension and social unrest. Its mission was to develop, promote, and advance community programs designed to establish and foster mutual trust and build respect between the Department and the greater Los Angeles community. As new ideas and practical knowledge developed during the years, the Community Relations Bureau became antiquated and was disbanded during the major reorganization of the Department in the early 1970s and consequently streamlined CRS’s functions.

CRS became an important communication link between the Office of the Chief of Police and they identified sources in the public, referred to as the “Community Communication Network.” This network is made up of highly diversified and broadly-based interest groups that include: community organizations, community groups, leaders, spokespersons, governmental agencies, public figures, and other individual resources. Direct, candid, and open communication is continually conducted with this network to assess the current state of the Department’s community relationship-building efforts. CRS has the task of developing and sustaining this network to identify, evaluate, and resolve police-community issues that contribute to tensions in the community.

In addition, Community Relations Section actively coordinates and maintains a collaborative working relationship with Area Commanding Officers throughout the City. When problems occur in a particular Area, CRS responds to support the Commanding Officer, by utilizing effective communication and reaching out to the affected area’s stakeholders to resolve the issues. Community input is an important part of the community problem-solving equation. The Department values the voice of the community and encourages the community and law enforcement relationship to thrive in an environment of respect and transparency via the Chief of Police Forums, Town Hall, Events, and other community meetings.

Fred Booker

Special Assistant to the Chief of Police
Officer in Charge
Community Relations Section

Office of the Chief of Police
Los Angeles Police Department
100 West First Street, Suite 725
Los Angeles, California 90012